Blog Post Title Two

When I was a young mother, and a battered wife, long before we had any shelters or understanding of the issue, I really believed that if only my husband had a job he liked he would stop beating me. So, I typed up his résumé, sent it out to motion picture companies, and diligently followed up with phone calls. One place responded, “You sound more interesting than he does, why don’t you come in for an interview?”  I did.

That was my first job in film, part-time and just enough money to pay for my children’s pre-school education.  My skills grew, and eventually the income from that job helped me get a car and some financial independence; two key factors in escaping an abusive marriage.  After I left my marriage, I became one of the first women to work as a cameraperson at George Lucas’s special effects company, Industrial Light and Magic and later, for Francis Ford Coppola at American Zoetrope.

Everything is easier to accomplish when you're not getting beaten.

While I was going through therapy, keeping up the restraining orders, changing the locks, fighting the custody battles, searching for childcare and feeding my children,  I was also working on special effects camera stages with all male crews. It was a surreal world of smoke, mirrors, flying objects and rubber monsters, all taking place in “galaxies far, far away”.  So while therapists tried to give me strategies to engage in positive meaningful dialogues with men, the guys at work droned on, ‘if King Kong and Godzilla were to get into a fight, who would win?’ They were good, brilliant men. They became my family, my friends, my community. This story is partly based on that time.

OddFX successfully reframes mistakenly held beliefs about the ‘battered wife.’ Set in a special FX shop, it reaches out to a male audience and invites them to participate in understanding and preventing male violence against women. It educates through story telling two distinct audiences, women in jeopardy and the many men who may be in a position to help women.




Blog Post Title Three